Sunday, January 30, 2011

2 Stroke Dirt Bike Ringtone

Spring arrives,

When you are forced by events to go through a sort of Terra Middle- suspended between what has been done and not done in the past but may do so, and what will and will not be in the future, perhaps for fear of not being able to do, it happens that sometimes the heart and frightened we tend to reject any feeling that looks at his door. You create the sort of "fear of love" that if it can be normal in early arriving after the end of an important relationship, which can not be normal years of hard because you may not be able to love.
Our days are growing ever more to a race to do, perhaps without meaning and only follow the tracks duties of everyday life, both in relationships in occupations, e gli spazi contemplativi vengono sempre relegati in un angolino minuscolo del nostro agire, e sempre più piccolo.
Si perde così la capacità di contemplare il bello e di essere recettivi ad un sentimento positivo, inseguendo il piacere fine a sé stesso e scevro da ogni impegno: per poi aumentare i momenti nei quali ci si sente soli e quelli in cui alberga la autocommiserazione.
A volte ci vorrebbero degli "shock" positivi: " primavera intanto, tarda ad arrivare..." ( Franco Battiato, Povera Patria)
(nella mia foto di oggi: una "Terra di Mezzo" tra il tramonto e la riva sul Lario)


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