Monday, November 1, 2010

2nd Hand Pocket Bikes For Sale

Truth fallacious

L'ordine mentale è diverso dall'ordine materiale, and the second is a result of the first. The irrationality often breaks out in situations related to feelings. When you're in, you lose the sense of the rational, and you get angry with those who may be out there and makes you see your absurd and illogical behavior. But sometimes you're in good suffer, because maybe you only seek to remain in a morass of desired rather than changing cross the desert of nothingness.
The eternal search for the quiet port, however, makes you more easily intractable. Do you lock in curl and tend to reject any thought other than your truth, which perhaps is also misleading: in fact, more than perhaps it is in most cases. And the beauty that is more flawed and less than six available to recognize it as such.
short, are strange days. Complicated and changing. Time flies. It 's time for discernment, it is time to choose. It 's time to live, rather than survive.
Ad meliora!
(in my picture today: pink dawn)


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