Sometimes you hard. More please be cool. And then you punctual Life whip, you whispers "be careful that 're exaggerating " and if you do not listen to his voice becomes louder and louder and then shifts into a thunderous noise. And that's how I stun, and that's how you're walking unsteadily, without finding the place where your soul can find peace.
E 'in this eternal journey that, after stunning supreme, you are with the silence within and around you. You are there, in a situation that has neither head nor tail, and a physical state of mind that you did not choose but in which you found yourself and everything around you lose the color. You just want to rediscover the sense and feel good, without that feeling that makes you take off your head to unknown spaces. E ' as if you were in a new dimensione, ma con il desiderio di tornar presto nella tua, di dimensione.
E, appena ritrovi la tua dimensione, ti senti più piccolo, ti sembra di avere imparato la lezione: ma puntualmente, prima o poi, tornerai a sbagliare, perchè l'imperfezione del mondo altro non è che la somma delle imperfezioni di ognuno di noi...
(nella mia foto di oggi: tardo tramonto a Calco)
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