L'autunno bisbiglia... Un'altra estate è passata. It seemed yesterday, Christmas seems to tomorrow. Carry on. Better luck ... Instead to go well go the same way ...
now I think I have a lifetime membership to the complicated life. Using complicated and difficult to use the highest respect for those who live a difficult life can only choose to face it every day. Basically I do not live a hard life ... Maybe it means a life a little gray, a life that often arises out of phase objectives or simply wrong, the eternal search for that "harbor of peace" I left for three years now ... Basically my life at that time was perhaps even more gray today, but sometimes enough to turn a random encounter movie in black and white in a technicolor.
casual encounters ... What a wasted sentence ... Perhaps nothing is linked to the case actually ...
I often say that you have to be at peace with themselves to be at peace with the world. My fidget often barely visible through a peace in a bitter war. Often my pride turns moments that should only be pleasant moments in which you would not want to have even the memory, since the load of nerves that carry with them.
What to do? The only cure is to work on the wisdom and calmness. And listen ...
I miss a long way, but perhaps the right direction: the aura shining in the darkness like a dream of sweet restlessness of the senses that rocks my night ...
Ad meliora!
(in my photo of today: the sky from dusk Campsirago)
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