Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby Shower Poster Template

Doing account. Even when it does not add up.

Every now and then throws a line on the sheet of your life, your way of being, what you experienced, what you could live, what you have not had the courage to choose, instead of what you chose. A black, clear and decisive. Draw the line, try "arithmetic" than that which is above the line more often and you see that does not add up. Then you wrap
il dubbio. Forse i conti dovevi farli prima, così di accorgerti per tempo che erano sbagliati? Ma il prima ed il dopo, chi lo può decidere? Ogni quanto dovremmo avere il coraggio di tirare righe nere, nette e decise?
Spesso e volentieri procedi come una sorta di automa. Le emozioni sono relegate in una parte del cuore che è coperta di polvere dato che è da tempo che non la usi. La tristezza va e viene, come le onde del mare. E a volte l'onda ti colpisce a sorpresa, quasi fosse un'onda anomala: le hai osservate, ne hai preso le misure e tutto d'un tratto arriva un'onda più alta che riesce a raggiugerti. E a quel punto ti accorgi che fa freddo, e tira vento, e non hai nulla per cambiarti.
In un certo modo subjection. Up to dry out again ...
(in my picture today: cornflowers and poppies among the wheat in Montevecchia)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Biology Lab Manual Lab #1

Nueva York, EUA

Marine Midland Bank, 1967
Architect: Gordon Bunshaft (SOM) 15022010

Photo: L Cattani Rudivan

Marine Midland Bank, 1967
Architect: Gordon Bunshaft (SOM)

Photo: Rudivan L Cattani

Marine Midland Bank, 1967
Arq.: Gordon Bunshaft (SOM)

Photo: Rudivan L Cattani

Marine Midland Bank, 1967
Arq.: Gordon Bunshaft (SOM)

Photo: Rudivan L Cattani

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gall Bladder Ribbon Color

The night is in two days

The night is in two days. Or is the day between two nights.
The empty glass to be considered this has to have been full, because otherwise we can not say that today it is empty, if yesterday we had not seen full. And in any event, even when empty, is full of air.
The cold is hot before the first of which is cold and the perception of both allows us to understand when it's cold and hot weather.
The calm after the rain is that it is first New precipitation: "After the rain comes sun, after the sun comes rain again" (Smoke City Underwater Love).
When it rains a while that we want it to rain, if only to hear the wonderful scent of the rain that washes the dust of the typical summer thunderstorms. When it rains too much that we have the sun, and when it reappears in our view it seems brighter than usual because our eyes had lost the habit of seeing the light.
I could go on, and after the Nature bring such feelings, which have nuances, if possible, even more complex and shifting thereof.
But what is the meaning of this exercise tends all'ossimoro? Yeah, we do not open the door to oxymorons because otherwise this post would be way too long (just think of the bitter-sweet ...)
The sense is that you have the ability to tackle any challenge, good or bad, hard. And with the knowledge that everything we face is to one thing: to make us grow.
All you need, nothing is irreplaceable. Well, almost.
(in my picture today: sunset from the olive, Montevecchia)