Thursday, September 25, 2008

How To Convert From Units Of Heparin To Cc

The Rosental Studio has reported the publication fiscal interdependencies and Urban Development in Metropolitan Areas: a preliminary assessment based on evidence from the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bTurin (Piazza, Piperno) in which has been chosen for the cover of a sketch of the designer catwalk Hugh Dutton (HDA Paris), made at the opening ceremony of the arc. So take the opportunity to pick it out from our archives here and in the image above. The design was handmade (china and pastels) and emphasizes the urban character of the work and its function of linking two sides of the city.

With this cover, once again we hear that the bridge has been established as a symbol of economic and cultural force in Turin.
So the symbolic value of architecture and the catalyst is probably true?
Maybe you '?


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wikipédia English Kates Playground

Event Icon on the catwalk Catwalk

Here's the video of the April 17 pro-Tibet demonstration organized by Youth Action Turin on passerella olimpica. L'evento voleva esprimere il sostegno al popolo tibetano e la protesta contro le olimpiadi di Beijing. Alla passerella sono stati appensi dei manichini che rappresentano la repressione cinese.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Masterbation And Women


A due anni dei giochi olimpici invernali di torino , la passerella pedonale al lingotto e il suo arco rosso (Architect: Hda Paris , Team Architect: Benedetto Camerana ), sembrano essere diventati uno dei simboli della vivacità culturale del capolouogo piemontese.

Come progettisti, questo riconoscimento urban (and popular?) as well as please us, invites us to make contact with the work around, the people, neighborhoods. We know that some love the catwalk, we also know that some have criticized.

With this blog we want to catalyze all this information and create discussions around the catwalk, in a time when the inclusion of architecture in the urban habitat becomes an increasingly complex.

(photo: Michel Denancé )