Il dovere di non deludere
Today's challenge is to take an innovative path, interrupted for decades. We do not have much time. Giving rise to PD have fueled great expectations aroused a new hope. National Directorate PD: the approved document.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Can You Play With Stress Fracture
Salva l'Italia
The Circle of Operations Phone, as well as many other clubs throughout the province and throughout Italy, is organizing a bus to go to Rome together to show against the Berlusconi government, and especially for an Italy recall that different, you can: an Italy optimistic and sincere, a socially committed Italy, an Italy more attentive to the interests of those who struggles to make ends meet, an honest Italy and laborious.
than ever these days it is clear that being against something is not enough, and thus we want to go to Rome to demonstrate for the defense of public schools, for work, employment and wages, in other words to the defense of Constitution, Justice and fairness, democracy. And we want to go for all those who have no voice to cry out their desire for a better future.
That of October 25 will be an unusual event because there will be a protest over the construction of an alternative. Said Walter Veltroni, speaking at the Democratic Party of Florence. Veltroni told us four basic things: just whining, we do team, among the people to gain experience and prepare the rescue, we will all be good for our party.
For all this we invite you to participate along with many others at the event to be held in Rome on October 25.
The accessions are collected by Monday, October 13:
- Friday morning at the banquet to collect signatures "Save Italy"
Market - Saturday morning at the gazebo in front of the middle school
- Domenica mattina e Lunedì sera nela sede del Circolo in Via Montello
oppure rivolgendosi direttamente a:
- Fabio Degani 333 4529807
- Enrico Baccigalupo 339 4239419
Per ogni adesione occorre indicare nome, cognome e cellulare (per un contatto diretto, per i dettagli della partenza e per un contatto a Roma in caso di smarrimento o di ritardi, in modo da essere rintracciabili).
Ai partecipanti verrà richiesto un contributo popolare di 20 Euro per sostenere le spese di trasferta. Il Circolo si impegna a dare un contributo per studenti e disoccupati. I soldi si raccolgono al momento dell'adesione.
A tutti, a coloro che potranno ed a coloro che non potranno venire, chiediamo di impegnarsi a trovare a family member or friend who is in Rome with us. The minimum objective of the club is 25-30 people and we believe we can reach and pass safely.
Best wishes
Coordination of movement of the PD Pregnana
(Enrico Baccigalupi, Bosan Angelo, Mauro Callegari, Giancarlo Capelli, Enrico Ceccarelli, Anna Colombo, Fabio Degani, Vito Iaffaldano, First Mauri, Elis Merighi, Giulia Eye, Stefania Vianello, Luisa Zucchetti, Michael Calderaro)
The Circle of Operations Phone, as well as many other clubs throughout the province and throughout Italy, is organizing a bus to go to Rome together to show against the Berlusconi government, and especially for an Italy recall that different, you can: an Italy optimistic and sincere, a socially committed Italy, an Italy more attentive to the interests of those who struggles to make ends meet, an honest Italy and laborious.
than ever these days it is clear that being against something is not enough, and thus we want to go to Rome to demonstrate for the defense of public schools, for work, employment and wages, in other words to the defense of Constitution, Justice and fairness, democracy. And we want to go for all those who have no voice to cry out their desire for a better future.
That of October 25 will be an unusual event because there will be a protest over the construction of an alternative. Said Walter Veltroni, speaking at the Democratic Party of Florence. Veltroni told us four basic things: just whining, we do team, among the people to gain experience and prepare the rescue, we will all be good for our party.
For all this we invite you to participate along with many others at the event to be held in Rome on October 25.
The accessions are collected by Monday, October 13:
- Friday morning at the banquet to collect signatures "Save Italy"
Market - Saturday morning at the gazebo in front of the middle school
- Domenica mattina e Lunedì sera nela sede del Circolo in Via Montello
oppure rivolgendosi direttamente a:
- Fabio Degani 333 4529807
- Enrico Baccigalupo 339 4239419
Per ogni adesione occorre indicare nome, cognome e cellulare (per un contatto diretto, per i dettagli della partenza e per un contatto a Roma in caso di smarrimento o di ritardi, in modo da essere rintracciabili).
Ai partecipanti verrà richiesto un contributo popolare di 20 Euro per sostenere le spese di trasferta. Il Circolo si impegna a dare un contributo per studenti e disoccupati. I soldi si raccolgono al momento dell'adesione.
A tutti, a coloro che potranno ed a coloro che non potranno venire, chiediamo di impegnarsi a trovare a family member or friend who is in Rome with us. The minimum objective of the club is 25-30 people and we believe we can reach and pass safely.
Best wishes
Coordination of movement of the PD Pregnana
(Enrico Baccigalupi, Bosan Angelo, Mauro Callegari, Giancarlo Capelli, Enrico Ceccarelli, Anna Colombo, Fabio Degani, Vito Iaffaldano, First Mauri, Elis Merighi, Giulia Eye, Stefania Vianello, Luisa Zucchetti, Michael Calderaro)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Compatibility Same Birthday
Design Tour
At year Torino Design Capital , the tour operator organizes Somewhere a journey to discover the masterpieces of the great architects who left their mark in pre-and post-2006 Turin Olympics.
For more information: somewhere tour operator

addition to Passerela Olympic Hugh Dutton , the visit will pass to Lingotto of Renzo Piano, the Sports Palace and Arata Isozaki Pier Paolo Maggiora, Palavela reinterpreted by Game Aulenti and Arnaldo De Bernardi, avverinistica the Church of the Holy Face of Mario Botta ...
The tour ends with a stop at the design studio Mycrom for an exclusive visit to the amazing collections and design objects, among which the "Diabolik Collection" .
For more information: somewhere tour operator
Monday, October 6, 2008
How To Get Phlegm Out Of A Infants Throat
padlocks hung on for the love
first symbol of the Olympics in Turin, trasformato poi in icona dello slancio culturale e di innovazione della capitale piemontese, ecco che la passerella si lascia invadere dalla mania adolescienziale dei lucchetti d'amore, di cui vediamo una foto qui sopra.
La nuova tendenza degli innamorati torinesi: appendere sulla rete della passerella un lucchetto con su scritti i nomi di lui e di lei, come si fa sul ponte Milvio a Roma (foto qui sotto) a seguito del film "3 metri sopra il cielo" di Federico Moccia.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
How To Convert From Units Of Heparin To Cc

The Rosental Studio has reported the publication fiscal interdependencies and Urban Development in Metropolitan Areas: a preliminary assessment based on evidence from the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bTurin (Piazza, Piperno) in which has been chosen for the cover of a sketch of the designer catwalk Hugh Dutton (HDA Paris), made at the opening ceremony of the arc. So take the opportunity to pick it out from our archives here and in the image above. The design was handmade (china and pastels) and emphasizes the urban character of the work and its function of linking two sides of the city.
With this cover, once again we hear that the bridge has been established as a symbol of economic and cultural force in Turin.
So the symbolic value of architecture and the catalyst is probably true?
Maybe you '?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wikipédia English Kates Playground
Event Icon on the catwalk Catwalk
Here's the video of the April 17 pro-Tibet demonstration organized by Youth Action Turin on passerella olimpica. L'evento voleva esprimere il sostegno al popolo tibetano e la protesta contro le olimpiadi di Beijing. Alla passerella sono stati appensi dei manichini che rappresentano la repressione cinese.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Masterbation And Women
A due anni dei giochi olimpici invernali di torino , la passerella pedonale al lingotto e il suo arco rosso (Architect: Hda Paris , Team Architect: Benedetto Camerana ), sembrano essere diventati uno dei simboli della vivacità culturale del capolouogo piemontese.

Come progettisti, questo riconoscimento urban (and popular?) as well as please us, invites us to make contact with the work around, the people, neighborhoods. We know that some love the catwalk, we also know that some have criticized.
With this blog we want to catalyze all this information and create discussions around the catwalk, in a time when the inclusion of architecture in the urban habitat becomes an increasingly complex.
(photo: Michel Denancé )
Friday, April 25, 2008
2010 Best Hair Highlights
Viva l'Italia
would be good to never forget where they came from this freedom and this democracy. And with whom. It is something we have kids who chose to risk his life for Italy, which we owe to partisans di ogni colore, a chi lottò per un’Europa democratica, civile e solidale.
Walter Veltroni
would be good to never forget where they came from this freedom and this democracy. And with whom. It is something we have kids who chose to risk his life for Italy, which we owe to partisans di ogni colore, a chi lottò per un’Europa democratica, civile e solidale.
Walter Veltroni
Friday, April 11, 2008
Can You Wash Duffel Bags
Care amiche e cari amici,
siamo ormai arrivati al momento del voto. Domenica e lunedì prossimi potremo portare a termine una delle più importanti e significative rimonte nella storia elettorale italiana. Il PD ha costruito una campagna elettorale seria, fondata sulla competenza e sulla passione delle idee, restituendo alla politica la sua dignità. Una campagna che ha permesso di incontrare migliaia di cittadini e di costruire un ampio consenso intorno al progetto politico del PD. Veltroni ha costruito un messaggio chiaro, innovativo, convincente. Noi, sul territorio, abbiamo declinato localmente questa idea background, suggesting these two months in many initiatives designed to listen and inform as many people as possible. We hope to have adequately carried out this task.
now your turn to go directly to vote and convince family, friends and acquaintances to do the same thing, to allow the PD to achieve outstanding results. REALLY IT'S TIME TO TURN THE PAGE.
Coordination of the Democratic Party of Operations Phone
Care amiche e cari amici,
siamo ormai arrivati al momento del voto. Domenica e lunedì prossimi potremo portare a termine una delle più importanti e significative rimonte nella storia elettorale italiana. Il PD ha costruito una campagna elettorale seria, fondata sulla competenza e sulla passione delle idee, restituendo alla politica la sua dignità. Una campagna che ha permesso di incontrare migliaia di cittadini e di costruire un ampio consenso intorno al progetto politico del PD. Veltroni ha costruito un messaggio chiaro, innovativo, convincente. Noi, sul territorio, abbiamo declinato localmente questa idea background, suggesting these two months in many initiatives designed to listen and inform as many people as possible. We hope to have adequately carried out this task.
now your turn to go directly to vote and convince family, friends and acquaintances to do the same thing, to allow the PD to achieve outstanding results. REALLY IT'S TIME TO TURN THE PAGE.
Coordination of the Democratic Party of Operations Phone
Monday, April 7, 2008
Where To Buy Mens Underwear In Las Vegas
taken from: NEWSLETTER - April 7, 2008 of
We launched an appeal taken by the major national newspapers, because the candidates for Prime Minister state what means to combat crime organizzata. Hanno risposto Veltroni, Boselli e Bertinotti. Nessun cenno, invece, da Berlusconi, Casini, Santanchè: evidentemente non ritengono che questa sia una priorità nell'agenda politica e non sentono il bisogno di affermare esplicitamente che non vogliono i voti di mafia, camorra e 'ndrangheta. Importanti adesioni al nostro appello arrivano invece da chi combatte in prima linea. Ecco la testimonianza di Ettore Artioli, vicepresidente di Confindustria. Si aggiunge a quelle di Liliana Ferraro, Antonio La Spina, Donato Masciandaro e Pierluigi Vigna.
Hirbrush Masterbation

Come si vota
Elezioni politiche
Per votare l’elettore deve tracciare un segno con la matita copiativa che gli viene consegnata insieme alla scheda.
È valido qualsiasi segno che renda esplicita la volontà dell’elettore. Non sono evidentemente valide scritte che possano far presupporre la volontà dell’elettore di farsi riconoscere.
Camera dei Deputati
Ciascun elettore e ciascuna elettrice può votare per una sola lista. Il voto si esprime tracciando un segno con la matita fornita da uno degli scrutatori sul simbolo della lista prescelta. È possibile anche tracciare un segno nel rettangolo nel quale un simbolo della lista che si desidera votare è contenuto.
Non è possibile indicare voti di preferenza per eleggere un deputato o una deputata.
As for the election of the House, the Senate for each voter and each system may vote for only one list. The rating is expressed with the sign with the pencil provided by one of the tellers on the symbol of the chosen list. You can also draw a sign in the rectangle in which a symbol of the list you want to vote is contained.
can not be given preferential votes to elect a Member or a Member.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Interview Kates Playground
April 4, 2008
Press stampa Partito Democratico
“Nell’ansia di parlare del Pd come di un partito diviso, il Tg5 ha ignorato completamente una smentita formale della senatrice Paola Binetti. Questa sera il Tg di Mediaset, unico tra tutte le edizioni dei telegiornali, è partito in quarta con la “bufera” creata dalle dichiarazioni della Binetti sui diritti civili. Invece, mezz’ora prima della messa in onda del Tg5, la senatrice Binetti aveva smentito le anticipazioni di una sua intervista ad Ecotv, affermando che l’intervista stessa risale a quasi un mese fa di cui non aveva autorizzato la messa in onda perché da lei stessa interrotta per la provocatorietà delle domande. Ma questo evidentemente non conta per il Tg5, che ha spacciato per buone ai suoi telespettatori dichiarazioni fasulle”. Lo afferma una nota dell’ufficio stampa del Partito democratico.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Anthropologie Clothing Style
12 punti per l'Italia
Si a energia pulita per rottamare il petrolio, rigassificatori, termovalorizzatori e alta velocità Mezzogiorno
Si all’innovazione e alla revisione dei programmi europei
Spesa pubblica
Controllare e spendere meglio per spend less
Reduce taxes, a point a year for three years, the fight against tax evasion
Investing more than it has ever been done on women's work
700,000 new homes to be rented at a rent of between 300 and 500 €
€ 2,500 to the first child, aid for kindergartens
100 new campus by 2010, investing Research on teachers and
the young precarious least 1,000 euro per month
More funds to law enforcement, the certainty of punishment
Exclusion of Parliament convicted of serious crimes
Reform tv
Pass the Rai-Mediaset duopoly, broadband throughout Italy "
Monday, January 21, 2008
Funny Things To Write On Halloween Tombstones
Perchè un blog?
To have a space dedicated to all those who want to share with us the desire for a new politics for a new Italy
To have a space dedicated to all those who want to share with us the desire for a new politics for a new Italy
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